The Big Pink Pig

A cooking, baking, sewing, and creating blog about life with my little pink piggies.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Homemade Cocoa on a Rainy Day!

While I am recuperating at home, I have been blessed to have my mom here to play with the kids.  There has been no end to the fun.  :) Laura has an in-home customer who can "purchase" items from her kitchen and play doh shop whenever she wants.  It has been great.  I love having my mom here but I admit, I haven't had to cook or do anything of that nature in about a week.  Between my husband, mother-in-law, and my own mom, I have been taking care of very well.  I figured that today was the day to get back into fighting shape.

I started with cocoa.  I made it for breakfast and again after lunch.  This recipe is not for the faint of heart. It is dangerously good if I may say so myself.  :) But it isn't healthy by any stretch of the imagine.  However, it is good to fill little bellies with on gloomy afternoons like this one.  Below are some pictures of what this cocoa can do to you when consumed in large portions.

Killer Cocoa

1/2 cup of dark cocoa powder
1/4 cup raw sugar
1/2 cup water
2/3 cup milk
1/4 cup heavy cream
3 tbsp of mini semi-sweets

1.  Warm cocoa and sugar over medium heat and slowly add water to make a chocolate paste.
2.  Once the mixture is bubbling, add milk and stir for about a minute.
3.  Add chips and stir.
4.  Add cream and whisk till frothy.

 My girls like their cocoa straight up with two ice cubes in a sippy cup--Caroline prefers her marshmallow on the side.
 You're not getting this marshmallow Nonnie!
Cocoa makes Laura lose her clothes and attack anyone who stand in her way!

Saturday, August 20, 2011

An Auction for Ruby Jane

Due to some pesky dental issues, I have been chained to the couch and bed for most of the day.  My wonderful in-laws took the girls to the fair and petting zoo out in Loudoun County so that the hubby can nurse me back to health and so that I can get some rest--I am not good at getting rest.  :)

I checked up on several of my favorite blogs to see what was going on in blogosphere.  Weekends tend to be quiet, but when I stumbled upon one of my favorite blogs Make It-Take It I saw that she was sharing the story of a family with two little girls, one just a little baby.  This little baby started a fight for her life when she was just 3 months old.  Her tiny liver was failing her.  This is a sad story and one that unfortunately does not have a happy ending.

Although I know that this is a sad story, this family is bound and determined to create something positive from their experience.  Follow their story and check out the Ruby Jane Foundation Auction site as well.

This is a tough one to read, especially for any mother, but it's stories like these that truly remind us of what we have and that every day that we are with one another is a gift.  Nothing is owed to us.  We have such a short time on Earth, some shorter than others, but it is what we do with the time that we have together that counts.  If you have a minute or two just check out their site and the auction.

Just for the Record- Ania and Matt Taylor

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Amaretto and Peach Cobbler = YUMMMMM

Amaretto is yummy.  Peaches are yummy.  Sugar is yummy.  Whipped Creamy is yummy.  SUPER YUM!

Tonight I am headed to a moms' night out for my MOPS group in Vienna.  I am bringing a delectable dessert made with the peaches we bought at the market yesterday.  The best part is that the peaches were picked on Tuesday so they are very fresh and tasty!  The cobbler isn't shown with the whipped cream, but I used heavy whipping cream and spiked it with a little extra amaretto.  Super easy and very sweet!  You can get the recipe here at Evolving Tastes.

The models are the sweetest part hehe :)

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

We're Back--and we're cooking!!

 Oh we have been away for so long!  I have really missed the pig and I knew that I needed to pick it back up because my little beauties are growing, growing everyday!

We went to the farmers' market today at Kidwell Farm.  There were Andean guitarists, a magician, brownies, and these huge red-velvet colored roman tomatoes.......

My sister LOVED tomatoes.  She would eat them whole just like an apple.  I, on the other hand was never much of a fan--probably just out of protest and wanting to be different.  When I saw these speckled oblong tomatoes I was intrigued.  When the vendor cut one up for me--I was hooked.  Katie, this dish is for you!

Grown Up Farmer's Market Dinner Salad  (I call it grown up because Laura says that the cheese went "bad." obviously not something that 3 year olds like I guess haha)

1 small handful of crumbled Gorgonzola
2 ears of corned-steamed and taken off the ear
1 pint of tiny new potatoes- cooked
a bag of Spring Mix
half a red onion sliced
2 teaspoons of freshly ground pepper
1 teaspoon of ground sea salt
Drizzle of olive oil
1 gorgeous roman tomato

Add everything to a big bowl and let it sit in the fridge for a short bit so the taters cool.
 (Everything was purchased at the market, except the cheese--that I got at Trader Joe's)

I am planning on enjoying this later with a glass of Pinot Grigio that I got from the Ramona Singer wine signing yesterday!  Ahh the life of a stay at home mom--eating gourmet food, meeting celebrities--did I mention that my aunt is now best friends with Carson Kressly??  Yes it is a glamorous life!

So glad to be back in blogosphere!!